The basis of all 3d things is an "object". You can configure some
parameters common to all objects with this dialog.
Use this dialog to change "camera" parameters, You can change some other
basic stuff in the object's dialog.
Use this dialog to change "light" parameters, You can change some other
basic stuff in the object's dialog.
This is the general color dialog box, it's based on the dialog box from
the dlgedit 1.2
You get this dialog when you render a viewport or animation. It's the
interface to the render plugins and can be used to configure render
output options.
When you've got "network" enabled, you can use this dialog to edit
the render queue and render machines.
One of the goals of MindsEye is to deliver an easy setup process, so no
environment variables and stuff. This dialog can be used to change some
general parameters.
The viewport-manager has several different layout versions, use this
dialog to choose what layout type you want.